Previous and Accelerated Closing Certificate

Known by its abbreviation as the “PACC”®, the Previous and Accelerated Closing Certificate increases the selling opportunities of a property by giving more certainty and benefits to potential buyers, as well as by reducing the closing costs and shortening the date of closing

I want to sell my property ¿Why should I obtain the PACC?

Because it will increase its marketability. Acquiring a PACC® for your property is a smart decision for any seller. Not only will it make your property more attractive in this highly competitive market, but you will also win time by detecting defects on your title that could unnecessarily delay the sale of your property. Through the PACC®, such defects could be fixed while waiting for an attractive offer, so everything is ready for a simple, clean and expedited closing when a buyer comes along. So you will receive your money faster

I want to buy a property ¿Why should I prefer one with the PACC?

Because it is safer. A property with the PACC®, is a realty  that has been submitted to the basic due diligence for its sale and you will receive the corresponding report with the results.

Because it is cheaper. Purchasers of properties with the PACC® will benefit from the special fees and timing for the coordination of their closing.
